Coffeehouse: In Support of the ‘Marcha Patriótica’ of Colombia (MAY 22)

The International Council of Latin American and Caribbean Women of Canada presents:
Open discussion with the Latino and Canadian community

WHEN: May 22, 2012 – 6pm
WHERE: Beit Zatoun, 612 Markham Street Toronto, ON M6G 2L8
TTC: Bathurst subway stop on Bloor line (exit Markham St.)

Why and wherefore of the Marcha Patriótica?

It is estimated that over 80.000 women and men, took to the streets of Bogotá on Monday, April 23rd, celebrating the birth of Colombia’s new left political movement –  ‘The National Patriotic Council’. Workers, families of Missing People and of Political Prisoners, the Unemployed, Unionists, Indigenous, Afro-Caribbean, Peasants, Students, Academics, LGBT and environmentalists, attended the march. The ‘National Patriotic Council’ is comprised of over 1700 social groups and organizations which propose a new paradigm for Colombian politics by  building Peoples’ power thus seeking an end the  civil war in Colombia and  addressing a necessary political solution to the social, economic and armed conflict.

– Introduction by Profesor and Activist Nchamah Miller
* Oscar Hernandez, Marcha Patriotica representative via Skype.
– Why and wherefore of the Marcha Patriótica?
*Professor  Nchamah Miller, author and editor of 9  books on violence in Latin America – A historical perspective
* Alex Utrera, Journalist and Human Rights activist from Colombia.- The role of Women and the status of political prisoners.
* Rangel Ramos, Political refugee, Trade Union leader and Human Rights activist from Colombia- Building consensus in the Left: Trade Unions – their role and trade unionists.
– Discussion and translation will be facilitated by members of Barrio Nuevo

Prominent leftist politicians like former Senator Piedad Cordoba and Congressman Ivan Cepeda have offered their support for the political movement. Watch Piedad Corodoba speech (In Spanish)  –  What is ‘La Marcha Patriótica’ (In Spanish) more info   – (In Spanish)

Organized by: The International Council of Latin American and Caribbean Women of Canada and Barrio Nuevo

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